The Standards Landscape

The standards landscape reflects the idea that each city has a different vision for a smart, sustainable transformation, which might result in varying levels of engagement. There are multiple entry points to the use of standards in this field, but predominantly the advised approach is to start with a vision, for more information see here.


PD 8100 contains a smart city capability assessment/gap analysis diagnostic tool, aimed at enabling city leaders to make a quick overall assessment of the readiness of their city to take advantage of the transformational opportunities offered by smart city approaches. 
It helps the city define its own vision.


Having derived a vision, the next step is to help a city set its strategy. PAS 181, soon to be published as an international standards (ISO 37106), gives guidance on establishing a city’s unique strategy. It puts the citizen at the centre, helping the city manage its digital assets, to create effective services and deliver change.

To create specific sustainability strategies, the international standard ISO 37101 “Sustainable development in communities - Management system for sustainable development - Requirements with guidance for use’ is relevant. It sets out 6 purpose of sustainability to provide a reason and a goal for the city, prompting the city to ask itself questions. These are then mapped against 12 broader considerations (e.g. governance/innovation/culture/health/education). Ultimately, it provides a management system for a city to consider and prioritise its actions.


With a vision and a strategy in place, PD 8101 provides guidance for holistic planning, taking into account future city potential. It recognises that multi-party projects need a shared vision and benefits realization plan, covered within. It also recognises that user needs and behaviours have to be incorporated in the design phase.
Following planning, the following standards for implementing infrastructure have been published:

PD ISO/TR 37150:2014 Smart community infrastructures -- Review of existing activities relevant to metrics

PD ISO/TR 37152:2016 Smart community infrastructures -- Common framework for development and operation

PD ISO/TS 37151:2015 Smart community infrastructures -- Principles and requirements for performance metrics

BS ISO 37153:2017 Smart community infrastructures -- Maturity model for assessment and improvement

BS ISO 37154:2017 Smart community infrastructures -- Best practice guidelines for transportation

[Multiple standards are in development for transport infrastructure, due to publish from the end of 2017 onwards.]

[In addition the infrastructure committee plan to publish standards on KPIs, and metrics.]


Smart city thinking can improve resource consumption and transform the capabilities of a city. BS ISO/IEC 30182 provides a framework for data sharing to allow a common language for collaboration and insight, across the whole range of city services, promoting systems interoperability.

PAS 183 ‘Decision-making framework for sharing data and information’ then addresses the organisational barriers to sharing data in a city by helping establish a data sharing culture. It covers:

  • Type of data required to be shared
  • Establishing the roles and responsibilities for the data value chain
  • Purposes for data use
  • Defining access rights for data
  • Assessing data states
  • Data formats and transportation

Additional tools

BS ISO 37100:2016 contains a common set of terms to help align communication on smart & sustainable concepts and approaches.

BS ISO 37120:2014 provides sets of indicators for city services and quality of life. There is on-going work to develop indicators for resilience and smartness.

PD ISO/TR 37121:2017 provides an inventory of existing guidelines and approaches on sustainable development and resilience in cities.

PAS 184 Developing project proposals for smart city solutions gives guidance on how to justify a smart city solution by showing how it would be beneficial.