Work Engineering for Smooth Flow Manufacturing

Does your organization have difficulty with the following?

  • Achieving production output to meet customer demand rate
  • Allocation of right sized manpower based on production targets 
  • Designing the best method to carry out a job for line associates along the production line
  • Standardize work and balance the production line
  • Designing an effective line layout

This training with focus on work methods and measurement is a proven practical and time-tested methodology to enhance your production or operational management, particularly in the areas of shortening cycle time and overall lead time of your production process. You will also learn the method to planning and designing an effective production layout

How will I benefit?

  • Understand the tools and techniques of work engineering to achieve smooth flow
  • Perform time study and work sampling
  • Make improvements with work methods study
  • Establish cycle time and determine capacity
  • Perform line balancing and work distribution
  • Learn the various types line layouts
  • Grasp how the facilities layout impacts product flow
  • Design cellular manufacturing

Our experienced tutors have practical application of the subject matter, enabling them to understand and meet your specific industry requirements.