Training Courses for ISO 55001 Asset Management

ISO 55001 is designed to facilitate the integration of all aspects of the asset lifecycle, providing a framework for understanding how individual parts fit together and optimization of common interdependencies. This will enable business to manage costs through best use of investment and maintenance programs to achieve the required operational and safety performance.

Training Courses

ISO 55001:2014 Requirements Training Course >

Asset management is critically important to both you and your interested parties. BSI has developed a comprehensive one-day course that explores in depth the organizational implications of the International Standard for Asset management (BS ISO 55001:2014). The course aim is to explain the main requirements of BS ISO 55001:2014 and its organizational benefits.  

This course has been developed in association with The Woodhouse Partnership Limited (TWPL). A certificate of attendance is awarded to delegates who complete this course.

There are no formal pre-requisites to attending this course, however it advisable to have attended the Fundamentals of Asset Management course.


1 day course│ Now available online

Key Elements of Auditing ISO 55001:2014 >

This course provides key guidance and practical experience in planning, executing, and reporting management system audits of asset management.

This innovative, one-day course provides a solid foundation in key aspects of the audit process. Delegates are taken through a structured programme that includes a balance of theory and practice using a combination of collaborative learning and practical activities. 


1 day course│ Now available online