CIC BIM Certification and Accreditation Schemes Certificates Presentation Ceremony

2 August 2019


CIC BIM Certification and Accreditation Schemes Certificates Presentation Ceremony was successfully held on 1 August 2019. These schemes were introduced by the CIC which aim to facilitate the healthy development of BIM in Hong Kong, ascertain the competency of BIM practitioners and the quality of local BIM training programmes.


We are pleased to announce that our Global BIM Manager Professional Training, collaborated between BSI and HKU, has successfully obtained the accreditation by the CIC.


Mr Andy Butterfield, the Managing Director (Global Built Environment) of BSI and Ir Dr Llewellyn Tang, the Associate Professor in BIM Department of Real Estate and Construction of HKU received the accreditation certificate from Ir Dr. Richard Pang, Director - Industry Development of the CIC.


Andy was invited to share the BIM course development in Hong Kong. He mentioned that BSI facilitates the development of industry standards through collaboration with experts and other stakeholders. We also support our clients through shaping the standards, providing assessment and training services.



Ir Dr Llewellyn Tang (left) and Mr Andy Butterfield received accreditation certificate from Ir Dr. Richard Pang (right)


Sharing session of BSI on BIM course development


Group photo with CIC-certified BIM Managers


Group photos of BSI, CIC, HKIC and HKU representatives