Правление BSI

Dr John Hirst CBE

Dr John Hirst CBE

Дарга (A, дарга N, S)

John Hirst was appointed to the Board in October 2018 as Non-Executive Director and became Chairman in January 2019. John has a wealth of experience leading and transforming complex organizations. His early career was with ICI, beginning in finance before progressing into various leadership roles and serving on the group executive team as Chief Executive of the speciality chemicals division. Then he became Group Chief Executive of Premier Farnell, a FTSE 250 electronics distribution company, and in 2007 he joined the UK’s Met Office as Chief Executive until 2014. Other appointments: John is Chairman of NOC (National Oceanography Centre), Chairman of Anglian Water Services and a Non-Executive Director of Marsh Limited. 

Susan Taylor Martin

Susan Taylor Martin

Chief Executive (N, S)

Susan has led a range of information, publishing and software businesses, first at Reuters and then at Thomson Reuters. Most recently she served as President of its Global Legal Business, based in New York, where she led the transformation of its online information service into an AI-enabled suite of digital and SaaS offerings. She has experience of the consumer, leisure and hospitality sector, as an independent non-executive director of Whitbread plc since 2012 and is a former Chair of the London Council of the Confederation of British Industry.

Sara Dickinson

Sara Dickinson

Chief Financial Officer and Executive Director

Sara was appointed and joined the Board in January 2022. Sara has over 25 years of financial experience as well as significant knowledge of scaling B2B businesses and digital transformation, most recently as Senior Vice President of Finance responsible for corporate finance functions at Expedia Group Inc, a global travel tech company, and as Chief Finance Officer of Expedia Partner Solutions, the worldwide B2B division within Expedia for four years prior to this. Sara has undertaken numerous finance roles including Commercial Finance & FP&A Director at Costa Coffee, Group Financial Controller for Sage Group PLC and Vice President and European CFO of Orbitz WorldWide Inc.

Other Board appointments

Non-Executive Director and Chair of the Audit committee of Aptitude Software Group PLC.

Dr Scott Steedman CBE

Dr Scott Steedman CBE

Стандартуудын захирал

Скотт Стидман 2012 оны 1 сард Группэд орж, 2012 оны 10 сард ТУЗ-д томилогдсон. Инженер мэргэжилтэй тэрээр салбарт шилжиж ирэхээсээ өмнө Кембрижийн их сургуульд 20 гаруй жил Байгуулагдсан орчны салбарт зөвлөхөөр ажиллаж байсан. Тэрээр 2009-2015 онуудад Лондонгийн боомтын захиргааны удирдах зөвлөлийн гишүүн байсан ба 2013-2017 онуудад Европын стандартчиллын хорооны (CEN) дэд ерөнхийлөгчийн (Бодлого) ажлыг хашиж байсан. Одоо тэрээр Олон улсын стандартчиллын байгууллага (ISO)-ийн Дэд ерөнхийлөгчөөр (Бодлого) ажиллаж байна.

Douglas Hurt

Douglas Hurt

Гүйцэтгэх бус захирал (Дарга A, N, R)

Дуглас Хэрт 2015 оны 11 сард ТУЗ-д гүйцэтгэх бус захирлаар томилогдсон. Дуглас ажлын гараагаа PricewaterhouseCoopers-т мэргэшсэн нягтлан бодогчоор эхэлсэн. Тэндээс тэрээр GlaxoSmithKline группт орсон ба Их Британийн Glaxo Wellcome компанийн удирдах захирал зэрэг олон удирдах ажлыг гүйцэтгэсэн. 2006 онд тэрээр IMI компанид орж, 2015 оны 2 сар хүртэл Группын санхүүгийн захирлаар ажиллаж байсан. Тэрээр одоо Тэйт & Лайл, Везувиус, Countryside Properties компаниудын аудитын хороодын хараат бус ахлах захирал бөгөөд дарга юм.

Ian Lobley

Ian Lobley

Гүйцэтгэх бус захирал (A, N,)

Ian Lobley joined the Board as a Non-Executive Director on 1 May 2019. Ian is a Managing Partner at 3i Group plc, the FTSE 100 international investor, where he is also a member of the Investment Committee.  He is also a Non-Executive Director of FTSE 250 infrastructure investor 3i Infrastructure plc, AES Engineering, Cirtec Medical and Tato Holdings within 3i’s global portfolio. Since 2012, Ian has been a member of the BVCA UK and European Capital Committee. Ian graduated in Chemical Engineering from the University of Birmingham and, prior to 3i, worked as an engineer for BOC Speciality Gases.

Stephen Page

Stephen Page

Non-Executive Director (N, R, S, SP)

Skills and experience
Stephen Page joined the Board in September 2015 as Non-Executive Director. Stephen has a wealth of boardroom experience in the opportunities and risks of the digital age, as well as corporate risks such as cyber security and counterterrorism. At Accenture he held European and global leadership roles including worldwide Managing Director, Strategic IT Effectiveness. For the past sixteen years he has held a portfolio of board positions including TSB Banking Group, the National Crime Agency and The British Library.

Other appointments
Stephen is Senior Independent Director of Nominet UK, non-executive director of the British Army and member of the Independent Audit Committee of the Thames Valley Police.

Alison Wood

Alison Wood

Гүйцэтгэх бус захирал (N, Дарга R)

Элисон Вууд нь ТУЗ-д 2014 оны 9 сард Гүйцэтгэх бус захирлаар элссэн. Тэрээр BAE Systems компанид 20 жил ажилласан ба Группын стратегийн захирал зэрэг хэд хэдэн стратегийн болон удирдлагын үүрэг гүйцэтгэж байгаад 2008-2013 онуудад Үндэсний Grid компанийн стратеги ба корпорацийн хөгжлийн дэлхийн захирлаар ажиллаж байсан. Тэрээр BTG, Thus Group ба e2v компаниудын гүйцэтгэх бус захирлын албан тушаалд ажиллаж байсан. Тэр одоо Кобхам, Costain, TT Electronics компаниудын гүйцэгэх бус захирал ба Цалин урамшуулах хорооны даргаар ажиллаж байна.