BSOL Packages for you

There are four ways in which you can work with BSOL, and it really depends on your working requirements and what makes most sense to your organization at this point in time. If you're not sure, contact our local representative by phone or email to and our experts will be able to guide you through the different options.

BSOL Subscription

  • Subscribe to the full collection - The full collection contains over 55,000 British Standards and is the most comprehensive way to ensure you have access to the standards you need. This option is often taken by libraries, universities, larger organizations, and those who work over a wide range of technical fields.
  • Subscribe to subject based moduless - The BSOL database is broken down into 53 standards based modules and 3 book modules. Each module contains all the standards related to a specific subject, and many contain thousands of individual standards. 

    Chances are your subject area is covered — you can browse the full list of modules below. See our list of modules here.

  • Subscribe to a collection - Collections are put together for more niche areas of interest, and contain a smaller number of standards. For example, there is a wide ranging module for construction, but a smaller, more specific collection for lifts. The collections are:

» Eurocodes
» Lifts
» Facilities Management
» Management

  • Create your own custom collection - Get every standard you require and none you don't — just tell us what standards you need to use and we'll put together a custom collection. 

    Our smallest custom collection package is CC 10 (Custom Collection 10) which means you get to select any ten (10) standards that you require for. Find out more about CC10 package here.