ISO 37120:2018 Sustainable cities and communities — Indicators for city services and quality of life


ISO 37120 is a document that defines and builds up strategies for a set of indicators to control and measure the execution of city services together with the life quality in the city. It takes after the principles indicated in ISO 37101 and can also be utilized together with that standard.

ISO 37120 can be applied to any city and local government entities including municipalities that adopts the strategy of measuring its performance no matter how big or where it is.

How BSI can support?

Verification audits: By partnering with BSI to verify your compliance with international best practices, we will highlight current strengths and weaknesses in your systems with our value-adding reports. 

Internal audits: Let us review your organizational governance against industry-specific requirements, protocols, and standards. 

Training: Our expert tutors deliver a wide range of training courses either online, in-house, or part of an open course to help you understand, implement, and audit against the requirements to the standard.